Table Twister–Have a kid's birthday party to throw? Try using the mat from an old twister game as a kitchen table covering.
Brush Your Corn–Try a toothbrush (but not a used one, please) to get the strands of "stuff" out of corn on the cob.
Cool Colander–Another party idea: Put your ice in a colander with a bowl below and guests will get only ice, no slush.
Chalk It Up–Standard school chalk will slow tarnishing on your good silverware or other metal items. Tie a few pieces in cheesecloth and store alongside.
Shine in Seconds–A bit of vegetable oil will shine your leather shoes. First remove dirt with a damp cloth, then add just a drop and polish.
Matching Buttons–Create a little 'emergency' sewing kit with an empty matchbook box.
What's A Cassette Tape?–Tired of wrecking your mp3 player or smartphone ear buds? Find an old cassette case, roll them up and store inside.
Save a Cupcake–It's a little known fact that LifeSavers® candies hold up birthday candles perfectly—and look super cute doing it! Buy the ones off the shelf, not the big bags.
Shoe-Er Cap–On the trip home, store dirty shoes inside a complimentary hotel shower cap.
That's My Glass–Next time you entertain, use a dry-erase marker to write your guests' names on drinking and wine glasses. Guests will be able to keep track of their glasses, and the dry-erase marker is easy to wipe off.
Snapshot Sneaker–Don't forget it's in there, but plastic travel soap containers are a perfect fit for most small digital cameras.
Save It for Later–Want to use a paintbrush again but not have to clean it? A plastic grocery bag tightly wrapped will keep your brush usable for a couple days.