Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SoDo Arena Design

There have been reports of some interesting findings in the new SoDo Arena initial mock-ups. The mock crowd is detailed, like it should be but almost to a fault. There are unique details that you have to look at very closely to see and it might come across as a tad bit confusing as to why they included those pieces.

5 Detailed Findings

1.       Who is this guy?

If you look closely there is face cut outs of a player, we aren’t sure who it is, that is being held around the entire arena. Apparently without even knowing who he is we really like him!

2.       Is that a celebrity?

There is a man walking down the stairs that resembles Bono and by the way the entire crowd is turned to look at him I think it just might be.

3.       Our Main Man

As our #1 fan Squatch has returned and made his way into the crowd complete with the Sonics uniform.

4.       No Nose-Bleeds

The good news is that there is no nose-bleeds seating section however; it has been replaced with a standing section.

5.       New Rules?

If you look very carefully at the time clock behind the basket it notes that there is 15:13 left to play. If you know anything about basketball you will be able to see that something is wrong because a quarter is normally only 12 minutes long. Do they know something we don’t know about future changing rules?

I think these findings have been left up to our imagination as to what they mean. I guess we will have to ponder and wait and see what the future of SoDo brings!

Information brought to you by Seattle Curbed

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