- Repair the Roof Shingles: Use cement to seal cracked and torn shingles. Tack down the damage with galvanized roofing nails and cover with roofing cement.
- Repair the Siding: Do a fall inspection to look for damaged paint, split wood, or holes in stucco. Your repair kit will depend on what kind of siding you have but could include (wood putty, waterproof glue, nails and screws)

- Reinforce the Windows: Replace your screens with storm windows. If they are dirty or damaged clean them before storing. Light scrubbing following a blast from the hose will do the trick.
- Fire Fluency Detect Deadly Gas: Make sure your damper is in good condition by opening and shutting it prior to fire season.
- Check Batteries in Smoke Detectors: Daylight savings time ends on Nov 7th. A good habit is to check the batteries when you "fall back" and "spring ahead".

- Close Seasonal Air Conditioners: This is a good month to switch off the power, make sure the condensation drain is clear and clean the filters( a vacuum will do). Then store for the winter.
- Bleed Air from Radiators: Radiators can get air pockets when not in use. If your unit does not have air valves you need to bleed it prior to heating season. Turn furnace and circulator and open the supply valve to the radiator. Air should be released followed by hot water(catch with a pan).
- Cut Brush Back from House: Trim up your yard and anything that comes into contact with your house. This will eliminate a common access point for insects and rodents.
- Watch Those Leaves: If you don't want the leaves to stain your deck and concrete walkways, keep those surfaces leaf free. If you do have leaf stains try half water half bleach and warm water.

- Store Outdoor Furniture: Scrub and store outdoor furniture even if it is designed to stay our year round it will last longer if up kept.
- Winterize External Plumbing Systems: This is the most important job for the winter. Water expands upon freezing and this has caused countless homeowners innumerable woes. Do not ignore this job as flooding and water damage bills will put you under.

Thank you for all the helpful hints @ However, I notice no "comments" at this particular "location" so here is a "comment" & I hope that you understand ... I usually "trust" my Microsoft clock AND all the other extraneous info all over da Net & media & all yet ... well ... I trust "you" too. Yet, "you" tell me that Daylight Savings Time for "us" does not end until November 7. All the RUMORS swirling about me said that it ended as of ... early Sunday morning on November 3, 2013. At your earliest convenience, can you please an ol' crone like me know WHOM to TRUST. Thank you very much for your pressing attention to this prompt issue ... foo ... I mean PROMPT ATTENTION to this "pressing issue."
ReplyDeleteDouble-foo ... then you might mistake me for an "iron worker" whose "pressing machine" isn't working OR maybe an "iron-ic" worker with a WORKING PRESS!!!
Truethat, compadres es senoras ou senoritas.
So sayeth Teresa Lianne H-Ross AKA "Terry Hansen"